I help Nurses heal from emotional trauma, mental burnout and Toxic workspace culture, so that they can reignite their passion for nursing and operate in their true identity beyond the badge.

I help Nurses heal from emotional trauma, mental burnout and Toxic workspace culture, so that they can reignite their passion for nursing and operate in their true identity beyond the badge.

A 2-Day restorative masterclass for nuses. “The 5 Keys Nurses Need to Overcome Mental Health and Emotional Burnout. Register today to be a part. 

Nursing is one of the most understaffed, underpaid, undervalued and unappreciated professions in the world. Quiete franlkly Nurses are tired, burnt out, stressed out and sufferng from trauma both on and off the clock. These traumas effect their identity, relationships, self care and more. What’s worse is that female nurses are 70% more likely to commit suicide in comparison to the general public. Nurses are in dire need of someone to stand in the gap for their healing, mental health and care. They are needing someone to pour back into them and help them structure a lifestyle that helps them recover from these traumas and come into their true identity off the clock.

Meet Your Next Healing Coach.....

For years I grew up feeling not good enough. I felt rejected and insecure due to my childhood trauma. This left me longing for approval and validation through my achievements, but no matter how many shots I made, the awards I received, or the high grades I achieved, it never seemed to be enough. I tried to find identity in my career by climbing the corporate ladder but even that left me empty and still questioning my value and purpose.

This is especially true for nurses around the world. Many have unhealed trauma from their past, toxic work-life stress, and are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders due to being “Superwoman” in every arena of their life.

As your mental health and healing Coach, my greatest desire is to help you heal, sis. I want to help you heal from mental burnout and discover your true identity BEYOND the badge and the bag. If you are ready for true healing and to release the burdens that were never meant yours to carry, submit an application today to my Healing the Healer Accelerator Program and let’s start your journey!

Nurse Healing Program

Our signature "Healing the Healer" Program is to take Nurses through a structured process to healing from trauma, toxic worspace culture and discover their odentity beyond the badge.

Corporate Workshops

We provide corporate DEI and mental health workshops to help create healthy workspace culture and healing for Nurses.

Keynote Speaker

We deliver Keynote subjects for a variety of events. These events include Nursing, business, success and motivation. Our goal is to inspire people around the world.

Philisha P

“Prior to coaching with Mykesha I was a person who was very locked up and closed off, someone who didn't trust anyone or show emotions. I was never receptive to receiving coaching advice until I met Mykesha. She helped me so much, from affirmations to getting different areas in my life back on track. Mykesha is my Life Coach for LIFE. If you don't have her, you NEED her”.

Michelle H

“Prior to coaching with Mykesha, I was ending a recent divorce, feeling hurt, depressed, and worthless. I didn't feel worthy of healing and wasn't sure where to start. After Coaching with Mykesha I was able to renew my mind, heal from past trauma, and gain the confidence to start speaking up for myself and setting healthy boundaries. Coaching with Mykesha was one of the best investments I’ve made for myself and I recommend her to my friends and family.”

Ashley B

“Prior to coaching with Mykesha, I was in a very low place. I didn't know my purpose, struggled with negative self-talk, and was very shy and timid. After coaching Mykesha I’m bolder, Im more confident, I’ve started my own business, got a new job, and even moved into a new apartment. All these things began happening after I healed. Coach with Mykesha, she is the real deal.”

Epic Staffing Group

Mykesha is so cool, her workshop was very engaging, and she created a safe space for our employees to comfortably engage and discuss their experiences without judgment. Mykesha also created breakout rooms that allowed employees to feel seen and heard. I appreciated her delivery, energy, and unique approach!